What I Would Change About UC Berkeley
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
The time has come once again for UC Berkeley's student government elections,
and this season revives many of my feelings of frustration, helplessness, regret, and
disillusionment. When I read the campaign platforms of the next cycle of student
representatives, I see trite phrases and empty promises. I see meaningless slogans
and timid suggestions. I do not see fire. I do not see purpose. I do not see passion.
I do not see great big dreams. And this scares me. This angers me. This depresses me.
So what do I do? I write. I write about what I would change if I could. I write to
rant. I write to start a conversation. I write with the hope that perhaps someone
less disillusioned can be motivated by my words. I should warn my readers that my
unguarded feelings may be controversial. I think, however, that my thoughts only echo
many of emotions felt by my fellow students - frustration about bureaucracy, helplessness
in the face of an organization hampered by traditions and inefficiency, regret about
our own lack of involvement, and mostly disillusionment. Disillusionment about the
student government that more than likely stems from disillusionment with our own
nation's government and politics in general. The following are just a couple of
ideas about how the student experience could be improved that I hope will begin
a much-needed conversation.
1. Get rid of unproductive bureaucracy and upgrade technology.
Honestly, I don't understand why there is so much bureaucracy. Why are there so many
forms to fill out, permits to file, grants to write, and trainings to attend for
things like event registrations? Events already require so much planning and effort
to run successfully. Why are there are so many things that hinder their success?
Is it all necessary? I really don't think so.
Berkeley is one of the technologically leading institutions in the world. Many essential
services should be automated so that there is less paperwork and bureaucracy for both
those who file paperwork and those who must deal with it. In particular, I think two
large segments of campus services need to be restructured.
The ASUC LEAD center is responsible for
leadership development on campus in practical areas such as event planning and organizational
management, funding, and University relations. If you are a student group leader,
this basically means that the LEAD center is how you process most of your financial
transactions. If you are a student leader for an organization that deals with money
each semester, then the LEAD center in practice translates to a big headache and a
pressure point for student leaders on campus.
Processes such as training signatories, using your own organization's funds, receiving
reimbursements, and processing invoices take large amounts of paperwork and require
dedicated time from student leaders who usually have much better ways to use their
time. Furthermore, every process is exceedingly slow and often hurts students. For
example, student leaders must often pay for events from their own pockets then wait
weeks (even months at times) for reimbursements.
Let me compare this to the modern conveniences of using bank account credit cards
or payment systems through companies like Square, PayPal, or Stripe. Is it too much
to ask to for student organizations to be issued cards to more easily draw funds from
their own accounts? Is it too much to ask for ways to file paperwork online?
Is it too much to ask at the very least that students receive their reimbursements
in less than two weeks?
Another large pain point on campus is the room reservation process.
Thankfully, most of my experiences with room reservations have been relatively painless
thanks to the wonderful EECS department staff that manage Soda & Cory Hall reservations.
However, I feel for other student groups without ties to the EECS department that must
use the reservation request format for the rest of campus.
I have only had one experience with trying to reserve a non-Soda room, and it was
a terrible, unsuccessful experience. It was impossible to send a request far in advance
of the event happening, and our request was denied. My student organization ended up
going back to a Soda room (which was smaller than what was need for our intents and
purposes but far more readily available). For context, the event was an educational
workshop teaching front-end web design to interested students. Surely there is a way
to use more advanced scheduling software to optimize on-campus spaces for productive
and interesting activities.
2. Being an ASUC intern should be a meaningful experience, and elected
officials should be held accountable for promised projects.
This next segment may hit closer to home. I know it does for me. My freshman year,
I interned for an ASUC senator who is
no longer involved in the student government after an unsuccessful re-election campaign.
I honestly must say it was one of the most useless and unfulfilling of my obligations
that year. I applied and entered the intern program with naive optimism that I would be
working on interesting projects that would benefit the student body. I was excited
to work for the university I already loved and was looking forward to be an engaged
and active student.
The reality was from this. I felt that most of what happened was all talk and no action.
I liked many of my senator's platforms. However, nothing progressed with them. We
met for strategy meetings that were just reiterations of proposed ideas with no
actual assignments or progress made. Every attempt I made to get started on projects
was impeded by lack of clear guidance or task assignment. Rather, I feel that my
particular senator was mostly motivated by the need to be re-elected rather than
the need to fulfill the promises he made during his first campaign.
Perhaps not all interns had the same experience as I did. But I do know that I am
not alone in my feeling of uselessness and disillusionment. No intern should feel
what I felt. Interns should learn practical skills on their job and gain experience
working on projects. Interns should feel that their senators work hard to make good
on their election platform projects. Interns should see an end product that they
can feel pride in having contributed to. The intern program should restructured
and guided so that every intern feels that they have had a productive experience.
Senators and other ASUC officials should be held accountable by those who voted for
them. Status reports should be clear, readable, and readily accessible online.
ASUC projects should be transparent to students and frequently updated. Senators should
be able to claim projects as their work. Most people feel more motivated if their
work is under inspection and review. This is no doubt true for elected officials.
3. Improve online portals for campus services.
I am very thankful for the proposed evaluations and changes to essential online portals.
I hope that improvements come naturally and quickly as much needs to be changed to
existing systems. However, I have not seen any work scheduled for Callisto, which is
the primary job portal for Berkeley students. There is little quality control for
job postings, and its interface is outdated and difficult to navigate/search. A complete
overhaul of the site might be a very good idea (and in my opinion doesn't seem to be
all to difficult to complete in a reasonable timeline).
Another larger problem is the myriad of unorganized and uncollected different sites
for campus job postings and research positions. Campus jobs are posted sometimes in
their individual sites (like the ETS site)
and sometimes in Callisto. Even more convoluted is research position listings.
Individual labs might make postings, departments might have lists of positions, and
many labs/professors announce openings through the URAP program.
For example, computer science positions are located on the URAP site, the
College of Engineering clearing house,
and individual professor/research lab websites.
This makes it difficult to for students to search for appropriate and interesting
positions and also limits the number of applications that professors receive.
A cohesive site that faculty members are encouraged to use or perhaps even one that
scrapes postings from other sites and redirects students may be extremely helpful
to all parties involved.
4. Bring influential speakers and artists to campus.
There are many incredible people from whom Berkeley students can learn by observation
and listening. There should be more officially sponsored events to hear professors
speak on their topics of expertise and to bring in speakers from other areas. I am
thankful for Berkeley Forum, which
was formed for this exact purpose. These efforts should be encouraged and supported
officially, especially financially, as these events provide a direct service to
undergraduates in facilitating intellectual and political discussion and should
continue to remain free for all students.
Art - whether it be fine art, music, or other art areas - should be accessible to
all students. The Berkeley-affiliated Cal Performances
does bring many wonderful music, dance, and theater performances to campus like the
Chinese National Circus and the Vienna Philharmonic, but these events are often
prohibitively expensive for most Cal students. For example, I paid nearly $50 for a
seat at the Yo-Yo Ma concert in one of the last rows of the second level of Zellerbach,
and the ticket had already been discounted by 50% because I was a Cal student.
Furthermore, no tickets are reserved for Cal students, so they often quickly sell out
to campus outsiders, thus exacerbating the problem of accessibility to students. I
purchased the aforementioned coveted ticket several months in advance of the concert
date because it sold out before most Berkeley students even knew about the performance.
5. There are many other possibilities for improvement.
There are also numerous other possibilities that would make this post far longer
than it is now. One such idea is the argument that student organizations should be
allowed and even encouraged to achieve non-profit status and to hold their funds in
non-ASUC accounts. Inter-major events should also be encouraged, especially as very few
academic organizations are broad and encompass many different fields (such as humanities
and sciences). Perhaps more events like HackFSM,
which brought together computer scientists and humanities majors to improve ways
of conducting humanities research, would be beneficial in uniting students in different
fields of study.
There are so many different wonderful ideas that it might be a good idea to invest
in forums for students to propose and discuss ideas and solutions like Meta StackOverflow,
a forum to discuss improvements to the forum StackOverflow. In the end, more discussion
and space to propose ideas may be very healthy and beneficial for our campus.
In conclusion, I do feel frustrated, helpless, regretful, and disillusioned. Yet at the
same time, I feel love and hope towards UC Berkeley and towards my fellow students.
I have honestly truly enjoyed and appreciated my time at Cal thus far, and my
discontent ultimately stems from my firm and unchanging belief that we can do better -
that Berkeley students deserve more and that we are capable of making our school a
better place.